Monday, December 27, 2010

There seems to be a perception that working in the service industry is something to be ashamed of.

I enjoy my job, which is more than most people who work in offices can say. In the past month I've handled two medical emergencies and helped a young mother with an awful fear of flying run away from an abusive, drug abusing boyfriend.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying what you do and there's nothing wrong with enjoying being a stew. I have many, many friends in the industry with degrees in various fields (business admin, urban studies, and multiple nurses). Finding fulfillment is about more than having a big title to brag about.

Furthermore, I DO have other ambitions. This job gives me plenty of time to write and read and I want to get my pilot's license. Plus, I get to take trips all over the world for pennies, which is pretty damn cool.

I mean, I appreciate the sentiment. I get that I'm working in the service industry and I could probably find something better paying with a more important title. But on the other hand, most of my college friends are working low paying jobs at retail positions, so it's not like I'm doing that much worse than the rest of them. I'm glad to have any job, much less a job that lets me fly the planet on a whim.

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